A broken song, a little dead canary: melopoetic traces in a culture of elimination
Poetry and music, Comparative literature, Pedro CasaldáligaAbstract
In this paper, we analyze a poem by Pedro Casaldáliga, similarly approaching conceptions and procedures of the writing of verses and of comparative studies, according to Pageaux (2011), centered on three dialogic-based dimensions, articulated with each other – enunciative voices dialoguing in direct discourse (MAINGUENEAU, 2001), with different points of view; the verses in dialogue with their own codes, a metapoem (BOCHICCHIO, 2012), and the soundrhythmic expression of these devices, in the form of a “song” (WISNIK, 2017; OLIVEIRA, 2020). As a result, the analogy revealed that the comparative studies can search for differences, investigate their formative processes and place them in dialogue, valuing plurality without harming singularity. Such is the way of construction of the verses, of the aesthetic formation and of the politicized awareness of Pedro Casaldáliga.
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