In the mirror: Ana Hatherly’s self-portrait
Self-portrait, Poetry, Ana Hatherly, Ekphrasis, ParaphraseAbstract
This article presents a reading of the poetic composition “Auto-retrato” (“Selfportrait”) by Ana Hatherly (A Idade da Escrita, 1998), which defines her portrait as a “lúcido espelho” (“lucid mirror”). Analyzing the triptych “Auto-retrato”, which includes a sonnet by the author and two sonnets by baroque poetesses from the 17th and 18th centuries, and exploring the tradition associated with the expressions “Este que vês” (“This that you see”) and “oculto” (“occult”), repeated three times in Hatherly’s sonnet, it is observed that the author engages in an intense dialogue with other voices to affirm her poetic art. “Auto-retrato” experiments the difficult game of “recriação-recreação” (“re-creation-recreation”) promoted by Hatherly in her work.
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