Gottfried Benn: “Once more before extinction...”


  • Cilene Trindade Rohr UNIFESSPA



drugged Writing, linguistic contamination, dissemination.


Jacques Derrida defines dissemination as “wandering of semantic”. Dissemination means disorder in communication like the effects of drugs. However, although it is equivalent to writing, they are distinguished from it by being a real state of toxic users. Would there be, in literature, affinities between “the experience of fiction and drug addiction, even if the poets do not visit ‘artificial paradises’”? My research focuses on the premise of “linguistic contamination” as an experience of drug use in the poetry of Gottfried Benn. I analize the “drugged writing” that leads to the disorder of communication, symbolizing, in addition, the desire to escape from existence.


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How to Cite

Trindade Rohr, C. (2019). Gottfried Benn: “Once more before extinction.”. Texto Poético, 15(26), 4–28.