The copyist poetry of the avatar function Joanim pepperoni, PhD
Citationality, Function-avatar, Satirical poetryAbstract
A fantástica máquina da ensacar berros (2013), debut work by Joanim Pepperoni, PhD, when read in the light of the Copyist Manifesto (2021), can be understood as a humorous form of non-creative writing. We discuss the satirical way in which the poet, “unoriginal genius” (PERLOFF, 2010), acting as an “avatar-function” (SCHONS; FUKUE, 2012), inserts himself in contemporary trends such as “literature by appropriation” (VILLA-FORTE, 2019). Pepperoni’s avatarfunction, hiding his orthonym, mocks the spectacularization of the self and promotes the aesthetic effect of anonymity, satirically questioning the gesture of the original writing.
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