Influence and overcoming in the poetic of Ruy Belo
Ruy Belo, Tradition, Hypertextuality, ReaderAbstract
For Ruy Belo, the hypertextual dimension of poetry is an inevitability. However, this perception does not presuppose a passive attitude towards the phenomenon of influence. In his view, the poet who seeks a voice of his own must coexist with the voices of the past to later confront and overcome them. The analysis of an excerpt from the poem A margem da alegria and the collation of Dominique de Saint-Alban’s book, Le roman d’amour des grandes Égéries, will also seek to demonstrate the hypertextual characteristics of Ruy Belo’s writing, as well as the compositional devices used by the poet to obtain a high temperature of expression and trigger aesthetic emotion.
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GOOSSE, André. Le bon usage. Paris-Gembloux: Duculot, 1986.
SAINT-ALBAN, Dominique. Le roman d’amour des grandes Égéries. Paris: Robert Laffont, 1970.
SOARES, Ana Maria Pereira. A alegria e o mal em Ruy Belo: estudo da composição hipertextual d’A Margem da Alegria. 2017. 733 f. Tese (Doutoramento em Estudos Literários, Culturais e Interartísticos, Ramo de Literatura e Cultura –Teoria e Estéticas Literárias) - Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, Porto, 2017.
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