Hilda Hilst’s poetic labyrinth in ‘Júbilo, memória, noviciado da paixão’: a lyrical journey through the body, tradition in discontinuous odes
Hilda Hilst’s poetry, Desire, Body, Classical Tradition.Abstract
In the seventy years of Hilda Hilst’s poetry, we highlight the dialectic absence-desire in her book Júbilo, memória, noviciado da paixão (1974). Two critical names guide this research: Alcir Pécora, regarding the specialised literary criticism, and Elizabeth Roudinesco, for the link with the psychoanalysis undertaken in this article. We make an incursion into classical studies to understand the discontinuous and Dionysian odes of her work. Pursuing the presence/absence of the body, we got to the political discomfortable body which requires a political reading. Through the relationship between literature and psychoanalysis, we propose an analytical study of the word and the body verses of this woman-poet.
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