The reader Hilda Hilst: an introduction to the Casa do Sol library
Hilda Hilst, marginalia, library, archive, process.Abstract
In view of the passion for knowledge and the centrality of the reading activity for the writer Hilda Hilst – an identifiable fact in the extention of her library, in the references to several authors in her books –, in the notes in her notebooks and in the interviews she gave, this article intends to approach a productive reading practice simultaneously to a writing process. By these means, we will introduce some axis of Casa do Sol library, where Hilda Hilst lived for almost forty years and built most of her work. When bringing to the scene the writings on the margins of what was published, the fundaments usually characterized as literary “work” are questioned.
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Documentos: Biblioteca da Casa do Sol; Arquivos do Acervo Hilda Hilst, do Centro de documentação Alexandre Eulálio (Cedae - IEL - Unicamp)
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