‘CAPTCHA’ dissolves the night: Considerations on the poetics of intimate homelessness of Tarso de Melo
Alguns Rastros, Tarso de Melo, modernity, displacement, pós-utopia.Abstract
This article proposes a reading of the poem CAPTCHA by Tarso de Melo, poet from São Paulo, published in Alguns Rastros. Stunned by the need to prove that he is a human being, selecting images on the computer screen, the poet ends up being led to a reflection on the sense of being and being in the world, or more than that, in the urban world, because it is the path that the images lead him. In recovering the theme of modernity par excellence, situating the poet as a flâneur, but without losing sight of the acceleration to which we are subjected in a democratic society Tarso de Melo reiterates the feeling of displacement and uprooting, to the man that, at the same time, does not move from his place, dissolved in the night.
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