The presence of Paris in Guimarães Rosas’s Ave, palavra: by the word, the man touches the city
Guimarães Rosa, Ave, Palavra, Paris, city, poetic.Abstract
This article aims at reflecting upon Paris’ presence in João Guimarães Rosa’s poetic experience in Ave, palavra (2009). Thus, it analyses the various images which appear along the diplomat’s impressions towards the relation of men from the city’s perspective. Therefore, through this impression, the poet touches the place inserting it into the reflexive level, mostly when participating over universal experiences where there is room for the ennui into feelings which are built in sadness, tediousness of a blue landscape, in Spleen, as well as the stimulus of poiesis in public promenades like Zoos, parks and restaurants. In this research the presence of poetics in Paris is studied in the following texts: “Terrae Vis”, “Do Diário em Paris”, “Zoo ( Jardin des plantes)” and “Zoo (Parc Zoologique du Bois de Vincennes)”.
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