“The enjoying of singing”: metapoesia and eufemization of time in ‘Ode discontinuous and remote for flute and oboe. From Ariana to Dionysus', by Hilda Hilst
metapoesia, Hilda Hilst, time, imaginary, Eternal return.Abstract
The objective is to reflect on the metapoesia in the work of Hilda Hilst, from the analysis of Ode Discontinuous and Remote for Flute and Oboe. From Ariana to Dionysus. We understand that the passage of time is a central problem in the work of the poet. In Ode discontinuous..., the lyrical subject gives indications of exercising poetry as a confrontation of time, triggering a set of images that has as its center the poetic texture itself and that seem to minimize, through the imaginary, the relentless temporality present in other cuts of its production. The interdisciplinary theoretical axis includes, among others, Durand, Dufrenne and Pelbart.
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DURAND, Gilbert. As estruturas antropológicas do imaginário: introdução à arquetipologia geral. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 2002.
HILST, Hilda. Júbilo, memória, noviciado da paixão. São Paulo: Globo, 2003.
LEIBNIZ, Gottfried. Novos ensaios sobre o entendimento humano. Coleção Os pensadores, v.2. Tradução de Carlos Lopes de Matos. São Paulo: Nova Cultural, 1988.
PANKOW, Gisela. O homem e seu espaço vivido. Campinas: Papirus, 1988.
PÉCORA, Alcir. “Nota do organizador”. In HILST, Hilda. Júbilo, memória, noviciado da paixão. São Paulo: Globo, 2003.
PELBART, Peter Pál. A nau do tempo-rei. Sete ensaios sobre o tempo da loucura. Rio de Janeiro: Imago, 1993.
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