Dialogic architecture: an analysis of the book Estar sendo. Ter sido., by Hilda Hilst
Hilda Hilst, compositional forms, dialogue, formal hybridization.Abstract
This article is the result of research conducted about Estar sendo. Ter sido. (1997), last narrative published by the Brazilian writer Hilda Hilst (1930 - 2004) in life. In the research, we try to investigate how Hilst promotes the processes of architectural hybridization that make this work a point of return for the other works that she wrote. In addition, we also observed as the architectural literary masses are subverted, especially with regard to categories of narrator and author, through the external dialogues that are articulated and that reveal much of Hilst’s library. Therefore, we seek the support of the academic studies of Rubens da Cunha (2011) and José Antônio Cavalcanti (2010), about Estar sendo. Ter sido. (1997), Crystiane Batista Leal (2012), in a study about the lyric dimension in the Hilstian theatre, in Bakhtin (2010) and José Augusto Seabra (1988). We also access the inventory from the Casa do Sol library provided by the Hilda Hilst Institute.
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