When the simple matter seeks form: metalanguage in the classical and in the contemporary
Poetic form. Thing and singularization. The Beautiful and Art.Abstract
In this article we analyze two poems - Transforma-se o amador na cousa amada, by Camões, and O Belo e o Belo, by the contemporary Brazilian poet Santiago Villela Marques. These poems converge to the thought of the poetic act as a substance that stands out and is singled out (CHKLOVSKI, 1976) in the thing, to which the speaker conforms himself/herself, conscious aware of the other (PAZ, 2012), whereby he/she takes place in the projected image. In this context, the verses offer elements related to Literary Aesthetics, such as the Beautiful, Beauty and Art (PAREYSON, 2001, GREUEL 1994). Such connection puts at stake the poet and poetry, poetic action as investigation and image building of what is inherent and simultaneously unattainable (JAKOBSON, 1969; COHEN, 1974; VALERY, 1991). Such is the investigative path herein followed.
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