The metapoems of Glauco Mattoso´s blind phase
abjection, metapoetry, sonnet.Abstract
Reflecting about Glauco Mattoso´s poetic art singularities, this paper analyzes some of the metapoems of the author’s so called blind phase, in which the hearing becomes a crucial tool in the creation process as well as the predominance of the poetic form of the sonnet, elected by their intrinsic sonority and mnemonic facility. Combined with the sensitive work with sound and rhythm, the poet establishes a process of defining/ redefining the sonnet, where lies a tension between the spirit which creates the literary persona and tradition – in particular, the fescennine. In this critical review, we will look on how abjection arises, not only as a theme in the writer’s poems, but also how it integrates and maintains his aesthetic project, that is, defining his poetic statute.
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