Silence becomes a verb when stitched onto the skin: reflections on memory and corporality through the visual and the feminine in Luiza Romão’s Sangria




Contemporary Brazilian Poetry, Luiza Romão, Performance and Visuality, Pau-Brasil, Feminine Body


The book Sangria (2017) by the Brazilian poet Luiza Romão deserves more critical attention, not only in its literary dimension but also in its performative one. Through the visual representation of violence against the female body, Sangria denounces the silencing and historical trauma experienced by all women while suggesting the rupture with verbalism as a previous step for creating new historical genealogies from a gender perspective. Therefore, our reading focuses on two central elements of Romão’s work: the body as the locus for working through the tensions derived from writing, rewriting, and overwriting on pager and on skin; and the proper noun (Brasil, Pau Brasil) presented as the epitome of masculine thought in which national history is founded upon. Our critical discussion proposes a dialogue between Luiza Romão’s calendarbook, performance pieces by pioneer female artists and Brazilian modernism.

Author Biography

Isaac GImenez, University of California, Los Angeles

Pesquisador de pós-doutorado e professor adjunto em Letras e Literaturas Afro-Luso-Brasileiras e Latino-americanas na Universidade de Califórnia, Los Angeles, Estados Unidos.


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How to Cite

GImenez, I. (2024). Silence becomes a verb when stitched onto the skin: reflections on memory and corporality through the visual and the feminine in Luiza Romão’s Sangria. Texto Poético, 20(41), 86–106.