“ A flor áspera destes dias “: the visuality in Neide Archanjo’s poetic writing
Poetry, Visuality, Ecfrasis, Neide ArchanjoAbstract
It is proposed to investigate the articulation between the visuality and the poetic speech in Neide Archanjo’s work, author of O poeta itinerante (1968), poem which is part of the corpus of this study. Divided into 5 chants, the text presents a strong image load, highlighted in the last chant – “Épuras” – which is the object of a deeper analysis, guided by an Ancient rhetorical procedure called ecfrasis. Therefore, it is examined the uses and variance of this ecfrasis exercise in relation to the classical model, and it is aimed to demonstrate the ways the author transports the reader to the unusual field, promoting an expectation breach, which arouses an image way of thinking.
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