“What noises do these lives emit?” echoes between poetry and human rights in Alberto Pucheu’s production
Literature, Human Rights, Poetry, Minimal ExistenceAbstract
This article aims to bring reflections on the relationship between literature and human rights in the work of poet and professor Alberto Pucheu. “vidas rasteiras”, published in 2020, stresses the collective crawling of dispossessed, unruly and invisible subjects, by the State and by the capital, in all their fundamental rights. To broaden this concept, scholar David Lapoujade (2017) points out that there is no existence that is more real or authentic than another; there is, therefore, no hierarchy of modes of being. Each way of being is unique and incomparable. Thus, minimal existences appear in Pucheu to put the right to exist in view, which provokes both an aesthetic and a political-ethical discussion.
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