Writing as a gesture of homage: effects of meaning in me
D. Pedro Casaldáliga, Discourse Analysis, Event, HomageAbstract
This text aims to print a gesture of affection, thanks and homage that the inscription of D. Pedro Casaldáliga means in me, so is also a text about me and, therefore, although I look for some authors to contribute to the reflections, I write in the first person. Discursive memory has a close bond with subjectivation and, in a way, helps to explain why I write about this relationship that constitutes me and makes me who I am. I make use of the freedom of textual types and genres allowed by writing and the knowledge produced, in particular, by researchers of the French Discourse Analysis (PECHÊUX, 1997,1999) extended in Brazil (ORLANDI, 1996, 2007), for my understanding of the event of the Other in me.
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