Exodus, desnature and other ethical landscape in the poetry of Marília Floôr Kosby
Contemporany poetry, Marília Floôr Kosby, Landscape-thought, EthicAbstract
The purpose of this article is based on the book of poems by Marília Floôr Kosby entitled Mugido – ou diário de uma doula (2017), whose landscape is located in the far south of Brazil. When confronting the performative machine of colonial patriarchalism and its technologies for producing violence, especially against women and animals, Kosby’s poetry gives shape to a landscape-thought and a poetics of the relationship, to speak with Michel Collot (2013), vocalized from a non-place, or from the historical and poetic non-existence attributed to women. Rejecting the condition of a non-subject and a mere footnote to universal discourses, the poetics seen in Mugido operates a disarticulation of language, from which unprecedented relations of solidarity are established between poetry and lived experience, or between what is common in the silence of women and animals.
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