Philosophy of the name: the search for matter in ‘A obscena senhora D’, by Hilda Hilst
Hilda Hilst, A obscena senhora D, Hylè, Khôra, Name.Abstract
This article builds itself with the novel A obscena senhora D, by Hilda Hilst, and with the relationship between the protagonist of the novel, Hillé, and the Greek figure Hylè, brought together here, mainly by name and sensitive - be it flesh, be it of word. The objective is to think the etymology force that seeks to clarify the dramas of language and body, also makes it possible to think of a second name, Sra. D, represented imagetically by the “D” (bow and line), which leads to a possible understanding of the configuration of matter both as a body-flesh as to power and language, body-word. The methodology seeks to bring Hilst’s reflective thinking closer to the thinking of philosophers like Plato and Derrida in an essayistic and dialogical way. To think philosophically with Hilda Hilst is the result. And the conclusion is an obscene anticonclusion that forges a philosophy of names.
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