We Are the Ones Who Die Death: On ‘Of Death. Minimal Odes’, by Hilda Hilst





death, (re)naming, body, eroticism, living, Hilda Hilst.


This article analyses the theme of death in Hilda Hilst’s book of poems Of Death. Minimal Odes, based on the notion that there is an aspect of living in death and that we are the ones who, in different manners, die death. The critical-analytical trajectory in this article is divided into three moments: first, that of a (re)naming of death; second, that of a calling to death with one’s body, whose background the classical topic of death and the maiden; third, that of a turning of the mirror that is interposed between the woman-poet and death.

Author Biography

Fernando de Sousa Rocha, Middlebury College

Associate Professor of Luso-Hispanic Studies


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How to Cite

Rocha, F. de S. (2020). We Are the Ones Who Die Death: On ‘Of Death. Minimal Odes’, by Hilda Hilst. Texto Poético, 16(30), 53–74. https://doi.org/10.25094/rtp.2020n30a688