To think and write from the border/frontier


  • Diana Araujo Pereira UNILA - Universidade Federal da Integração Latinoamericana
  • Paulo Maria Junior UNILA



Border, geopoetic, decolonial aesthetics.


This study seeks to reflect on the results the research project “Literature and landscape in the Triple Border”, carried out with the aim of building a literary collection that dialogues with the natural and human landscape of a trinational region (Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina), which geographical territory is linked to a symbolic and cultural territory crossed by a diversity of languages and subjects that transit the space in constant flows. We propose a geopoetic reading of this place, with a decolonial perspective.

Author Biographies

Diana Araujo Pereira, UNILA - Universidade Federal da Integração Latinoamericana

Doutora em Literaturas Hispânicas (2008), com Pós-Doutorado PRODOC-CAPES (2010). Docente do Mestrado Interdisciplinar em Estudos Latino-Americanos e do curso de graduação em Letras - Artes e Mediação Cultural.

Paulo Maria Junior, UNILA

Estudante egresso do curso de Letras - Artes e Mediação Cultural. Bolsista de Iniciação Científica.


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How to Cite

Araujo Pereira, D., & Junior, P. M. (2020). To think and write from the border/frontier. Texto Poético, 16(29), 133–154.