Gabriele D’Annunzio and the illustrated ediction of ‘Francesca da Rimini’ (1902)
Gabriele D’Annunzio, Francesca da Rimini, Adolfo De Carolis, poetry, woodcut.Abstract
Francesca da Rimini is one of the longest-lived myths of Western culture. Numerous artists dedicated works to her in various expressions and in many languages: poetry, comedies, tragedies, melodramas, paintings, sculptures, engravings. They are works that, in the collective imagination, transformed the adulterous sinner into a heroine until she became the symbol of eternal fidelity to the first love and the passion that overcomes everything. Two are the objectives of the paper: to draw a brief profile of this topos and to analyze the relationship between literature and visual arts in Gabriele D’Annunzio’s luxury edition, published in 1902 by Treves, Milan, illustrated by Adolfo De Carolis.
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