The poem as artifact in 'O livro das semelhanças', by Ana Martins Marques
Lyric, Metalanguage, thought. Contemporary Brazilian poetry, Tradition.Abstract
Ana Martins Marques has three titles published so far, namely: A Vida Submarina (2009); Da Arte das Armadilhas (2011); O Livro das Semelhanças (2015); in addition to a work together with Marcos Siscar, Duas Janelas (2016), and with Eduardo Jorge Como se Fosse a Casa (uma correspondência) (2017). In this article, we propose thinking, from the poems of the O Livro das Semelhanças, as if building metaphors of writing and thought from the metalanguage speech.
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VILLAÇA, Alcides. Livro sobre livro traz doçura rigorosa de Ana Martins Marques. Disponível em Acesso em: 25 de janeiro de 2016.
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