Cabral, an 'Inimigo Rumor' or a machine of the poem in magazine


  • Waltencir Alves de Oliveira UFPR



João Cabral de Melo Neto, critical reception, poetic tradition, 'Inimigo Rumor'.


Cabral de Melo Neto into a kind of cornerstone of the project of the contemporary poetry magazine Inimigo Rumor. It is understood that the reflection undertaken by a specific journal allows us to understand some important aspects of the reception of Cabral’s poetry and of the ways in which this poetics was transformed into a model for poetic experiences and for the reflection on the poetic in the paintings of the late twentieth century and the beginning of XXI.

Author Biography

Waltencir Alves de Oliveira, UFPR

Professor adjunto de Teoria Literária e Literatura Brasileira na UFPR. Doutor em Teoria da Literatura e Literatura Comparada pela FFLCH/ USP.


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How to Cite

Oliveira, W. A. de. (2018). Cabral, an ’Inimigo Rumor’ or a machine of the poem in magazine. Texto Poético, 14(25), 365–389.