Gullar´s poetry: the light and its averse


  • Alcides Villaça USP



Ferreira Gullar. Modern Lyrics. Poetry and political participation.


This essay presents a concise panoramic perspective, which seeks to understand the poetry of Gullar over sixty years of activity. Here comes into focus a set of basic procedures, very marked and even obsessive: the poet was always interested in surprising the manifold, the simultaneous, the diverse and the movement, under the mandatory appearances of the uniform, linear, compact and static. The poetry of Gullar is here evaluated through the confrontation between these two sets of categories, from the broad movement that can be recognized as translation.



Author Biography

Alcides Villaça, USP

Professor da Universidade de São Paulo


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How to Cite

Villaça, A. (2017). Gullar´s poetry: the light and its averse. Texto Poético, 13(23), 276–300.