Between coups, revolts and returns: images and mirages of Chile in the work of Ferreira Gullar
Ferreira Gullar. Memory. Chile.Abstract
This article proposes a reading of some references to Chile in the poetry by Ferreira Gullar. To do so, we develop an analysis of “Dois poemas chilenos”, “Queda de Allende” and “Retorno a Santiago de Chile”, published respectively in Dentro da Noite Veloz (1974), Muitas vozes (1999) and Em alguma parte alguma (2010). We argue that these poems that explicitly address his years of exile in Chile occupy strategic positions in the work of the author. The paper indicates a complex reordering of memories and traumas linked to the frustration of certain historical alternatives, allowing important changes in his poetry, as well his tense articulation with the political history of Latin America.
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