Representations of feminine subjectivities in <i>Babel bárbara</i>, by Cristina Peri Rossi
Female authorship poetry, feminist criticism, neo-baroque.Abstract
In the collection of poems Babel Barbara (1991), the Uruguayan writer Cristina Peri Rossi undertakes a search for the archetypal and original woman, before the patriarchal culture. For this, the author proposes the construction of a feminine symbolic language opposed to phallogocentric logic. In our work, we intend to analyze how the author reconstructs a primordial subjectivity, centered on the feminine, in opposition to Lacan's theories, which denies to the feminine any ontological protagonism. For this, we will count on the support of the critical studies of Luce Irigaray (1985, 1992, 1994) and Cixous (1995), as well as the theorizations of Severo Sarduy (1978) on the neo-baroque.
CIXOUS, Hélene. La risa de la medusa: Ensayos sobre la escritura. Barcelona: Anthropos, 1995.
IRIGARAY, Luce. El cuerpo a cuerpo con la madre. Barcelona: Lasal, 1985.
IRIGARAY, Luce. Ese sexo que no es uno. Madrid: Ed. Akal, 2009.
IRIGARAY, Luce. Speculum. Espéculo de la otra mujer. Madrid: Saltés, 1994.
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LACAN, Jacques. (1958). A significação do falo. In: Escritos. Tradução Vera Ribeiro. Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar, 1998.
PERI ROSSI, Cristina. Babel bárbara. Barcelona: Ed. Lumen, 1991.
PERI ROSSI, Cristina. Poesía reunida. Barcelona: Ed. Lumen, 2005.
SARDUY, Severo. El barroco y el neobarroco. In: César Fernández Moreno (Ed.). América Latina en su literatura. México: Siglo XXI-Unesco, 1978.
SEYDEL, Ute. Un espejo que al reproducir evoca: La poesía de Cristina Peri Rossi. Debate Feminista. Vol. 13, p. 395-405, 1996.
VERANI, Hugo. De la vanguardia a la posmodernidad: narrativa uruguaya (1920- 1995). Montevideo: Ed. Trilce-Linardi y Risso, 1996.
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