The sack of Troy narrated by Aeneas


  • Eduardo da Silva de Freitas Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - UERJ



Aeneid, narrative, epic.


This paper analyses the narrative about the Sack of Troy episode told by Aeneas on Aeneid II. The legend was well known in the Antiquity and Virgil created a complex representation transferring the report from the primary narrator to Aeneas. The event takes a quite tragic tone, because the report is made by the point of view of the defeated. Consequently, the hero highlights that the Trojans defeat happened because the Greeks lied. Besides, the Greeks are represented as savages, while the Trojans are brave. Finally, Aeneas suggests that the flight was inevitable and necessary in order to save his family, comrades and gods of the city.




Author Biography

Eduardo da Silva de Freitas, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - UERJ

Professor Adjunto do Departamento de Letras Clássicas e Orientais do Instituo de Letras da UERJ, doutor em Literatura Comparada.


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How to Cite

de Freitas, E. da S. (2017). The sack of Troy narrated by Aeneas. Texto Poético, 13(22), 183–207.