Poetry and literary life in unpublished letters from Murilo Mendes to Mário de Andrade (1933-1944)
Murilo Mendes, Mário de Andrade, Unpublished letters, Poetry, Brazilian modernismAbstract
The objective of this essay is to explore, through unpublished correspondence sent by Murilo Mendes (1901-1975) to Mário de Andrade (1893-1945), between 1933 and 1944, the relationship of friendship and intellectual exchange, maintained between two fundamentals figures of the modernism, over more than sixteen years. The letters help to recosntruct the biobibliographical elements of the authors, who published some of their most important texts in those years. The correspondence allows the reader to follow the constant sending of texts, between them, and the reflection on poetry based on the multiple interest they maintained in political, cultural and aesthetic themes.
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